Monday, 22 April 2013

Mock - Up

Whilst making my wireframes for the Project I thought it wold be hard to see how they would look or work on an actual site. So with this in mind I decided to create and mock-up of the home page in as much detail as possible to show how I think the website will look. 

Here it is with all of the elements that were in the wireframes, you can see the background image is the main part of the site with the continent and there elements being built around this. In this mock-up I haven't experimented with the opacity of the boxes on the page yet but this is definitely something I will look at. 

The idea on the i=homepage is that you can browse through some more background images just to make the site a bit more unique and visual. Going with this idea the box above the text area is so the users can hide the text box to look at the image if they want to.

Overall I am happy with the mockup and think the colours and the fonts mix really well with the picture of the grand canyon in background. As well as this it gives a clearer idea of how my wirer frames will work.

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