Friday, 24 May 2013

Evaluation - iBook

I enjoyed making the ibook in this project it was the first time I had used the software or even heard of it. So at first it was tricky to get used too as some of the features were different to what I was used too. However it was easy to learn and once I understood what I was doing I found it easy to start designing my ibook. To start with I worked on the background images for the book thinking about what ones would work how to split them up and also how to keep them themed to the content the were behind. What I tried to do was use rocks for the background of the geology chapter, vintage canyon imagery for the back of the history chapter and animals for the back of the wildlife chapter. This way the images relate to the topic they are the background too. In the end I thought this worked well and the images work well with each other in the different chapter and provide nice backdrops to the content. 

Next on I looked at the different option I had to get some interactivity into the ibook looking at the widgets both in ibook author and the website Bookry. This gave me a range of the widgets to use throughout the book, I wanted to try and make it as interesting and interactive as possible. Overall I am happy with the widgets I have included I think there is a good range from pop-overs to image galleries, to interactive mazes. This hopefully will keep the book interesting for the users and give them the information in a unique way. 

Overall I am happy with my final product for the iBook I think it has a lot of content for the users to read and explore but keeps it interesting and interactive through the widgets and imagery. Now the layout are cleaner as well I am pleased with how it all turned out, I found the software good and easy to use in the end. 

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