Wednesday, 13 November 2013

AF201/202 - The New Brief

Today we were set the brief for the new project which is titled 'Drinks Promotion: ipad/iphone app and Animated teaser' For this project I have to create an app based on an brand of alcoholic drink that offers something useful, informative or entertaining to the user based on my chosen brand. As well as this I need to make a 15 second animation which works as a trailer for my app with the aim of generating traffic for the app.

The brief also states that I must research alcohol brands and advertising as well as undertake visual research to help me develop a visual theme for my project which is suitable to the brand I choose. Fitting with the culture and values of the brand whilst bringing it to life, as well as choosing a piece of music that fits with this. 

The final outcomes for this assignment are 

  • A pitch presentation of my ideas 
  • A trailer for the app (.mov) 
  • a dynamic visualisation of the app (walkthrough of how the app works) (.mov)
  • Sketchbook 
  • Blog  

Key dates - 

  • Pitch - Monday 25th November 
  • Crit - Monday 9th December
  • Final deadline - Wednesday 11th December (By 12:00pm)

My Thoughts - 

I think this is an interesting brief which covers new ground in a way because we have to base our visual style on an existing brand and follow there values and style, which is not something we've ever really done. I think it will be a good experience to do this and hopefully I choose the right brand to do this for. My initial ideas are to base the project on brands that mean something to me in some way such as Jameson's, Magners and Guiness. As for the content i'm hoping I will get an idea from my research once I have looked into some brands.                                                                         

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